
readdirSync()functiontakesadirectorypathandacallbackfunctionforarguments.Anditreturnsanarrayofthefilesasarelativepathtothedirectory ...,2023年2月23日—Insidethefunction,wefirstusefs.readdirSynctoreadallfilesanddirectoriesinthespecifieddirectory.WepassthewithFileTypesoption ...,thisisanexcerptfromaprojectofminetomakeadatabaseofalltheMP3Ihave,usingrecursive-readdir.Ittakesaround40minsfor18641file...

Recursively List All the Files in a Directory Using Node.js

readdirSync() function takes a directory path and a callback function for arguments. And it returns an array of the files as a relative path to the directory ...

Read All Files of Directory and Subdirectories with ...

2023年2月23日 — Inside the function, we first use fs.readdirSync to read all files and directories in the specified directory. We pass the withFileTypes option ...

List all files in a directory in Node.js recursively ...

this is an excerpt from a project of mine to make a database of all the MP3 I have, using recursive-readdir. It takes around 40 mins for 18641 files. I was ...

`fs.readdir`'s new `recursive` option is not fully documented

2023年7月2日 — From testing, the recursive option does not work with withFileTypes: true . The behavior of the recursive option is not documented, and only ...

How to search for a specific file recursively using Node Js?

2023年1月5日 — js, you can use the fs (file system) module and the readdirSync() function. This function reads the contents of a directory, and returns an ...

Working with folders in Node.js

readdir() to read the contents of a directory. This piece of code reads the content of a folder, both files and subfolders, and returns their relative path: CJS

Get all files recursively in directories NodejS [duplicate]

2017年1月4日 — This works for me. Read root directory with readdirSync; Then map over but flatten as we go; if it's a directory, go recursive; else ...

Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

2011年4月29日 — A library called Filehound is another option. It will recursively search a given directory (working directory by default). It supports various ...


2015年2月27日 — A simple Node module for synchronously listing all files in a directory, or in any subdirectories. It does not list directories themselves. This ...


2022年10月25日 — Recursively list all files in a directory and its subdirectories. It does not list the directories themselves. Because it uses fs.readdir, which ...